
February 7, 2013

Tags Show Off

Here are some tags that has been created with my templates.
Thank You Ladies for sharing your creations with my templates!
Awesome work you all did!!

This awesome tag below was created by Lady Dragus using Temp 34.
She had also wrote a Tut for the Tag.
Check out her Tut - Snowflake


This beautiful tag below was created by a tagger name - Kitty.
She used Temp 38 to create this tag.


Below are 2 awesome tags created with my Template 39.
These tags were made using my Temp in a Group's Challenge.

By Lady Dragus


By Shmelly aka Prettyblueeyes86

Thank You Ladies for using my Temps in creating all these
 Awesome and Beautiful Tags!!
Hope to see more tags using my temps!
Love to show off everyone's creations!!
If you've made any tags with my Temp, don't be shy!
Send them my way and I will show them off here on my Blog!!