
July 15, 2013

Saturday Night at the Movies Blog Train

Once again Creative Crazy Scrap has another Blogtrain called -
 Saturday Night at the Movies.

I am sadden to announce that this will be the last Blogtrain
from Creative Crazy Scraps.
This does not mean I will stop  making any temps,
I will still continue to make temps just keep an eye out

and around in Facebook groups for my
announcements on new temps.
Below is the preview of my temps for this Blogtrain:
*Drop shadows are on separate layers*

 Saturday Night at the Movies

You may download from:
4Shared or Box

Once you are done visiting my stop,
don't forget to visit other Designers stops too!!
Here is the listings of other stops for you to visit:
Always with: Always Creations
Twyzted with: Twyzted Playground <-- You are Here!
Anna with: Annaz Attic
Kate with:Irish Princess Designs
Felice with: Felice Original
Becca with: Designz By Baby Dragon

I like to say Thank You to all those that joined and rode the
Blogtrain with me and other designers in
Creative Crazy Scraps Blogtrain.

Twyzted T

P.S. Remember I will still continue making temps! :)